Perspectum Diagnostics

Perspectum Diagnostics, a spin-out company from the University of Oxford, was founded by world-leading clinicians, physicists, scientists and engineers. The company is devoted to providing digital technologies for better patient care in liver disease.

Our objectives, as part of PathLAKE, are to assist in the digitalisation of medical histopathology, and integration of AI programming and algorithms into pathological analysis. PD’s focus will be on creating a vendor neutral decision support tool to aid pathological readings, as well as support in quantitative analysis of computer-aided diagnosis of liver histopathology. The company will also cultivate a method to further explore the four cardinal features of fatty liver disease and provide the following as part of the consortium:

Access to certified information security management system (ISO 27001:2013), allowing for secure transfer of medical imaging data between the different clinical sites; assistance with algorithm and performance testing (for regulatory submission and approval), therefore exposing the collaboration to trained individuals with expertise in these areas; and overall, contributions towards the building blocks for creation of this knowledge exchange, culminating towards increased innovation in digital pathology.

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