Professor Emad Rakha

Prof Emad Rakha is a Professor of Breast Pathology and Honorary Consultant Pathologist, at the University of Nottingham (UoN) and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK.

My main clinical discipline is Breast Pathology. I am medically qualified and gained Master (MSc pathology) and MD degrees in Pathology (by examination), PhD in Molecular Pathology (Breast Cancer) from UoN and obtained the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists by examination. I am the leading member of the multi-disciplinary Nottingham Breast Research and Digital Pathology Research Group at the University of Nottingham. As part of my clinical commitment, I work as a co-chair of the UK National Breast Pathology Interpretive Quality Assurance Scheme (EQA). I am the General Secretary of the International Society of Breast Pathology, Breast Specialty Editor of Histopathology, a member of the national Coordinating Committee of Breast Pathology (BIG18), National Institute of Cancer Research (NICR) Breast Clinical Studies Group (CSG) and its Breast Translational Subgroup, Breast Cancer Screening Programme Research Advisory Committee, the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland Management Committee, and the international Breast pathology Group. I served as a member of Breast Cancer Campaign Scientific Advisory Board and I am a member of the Breast Cancer Now Tissue Access Committee.,

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